domingo, 22 de diciembre de 2013

Can’t Stop

You say it
Like it doesn’t matter
It was bad before
You say it’s not bad anymore

You say it
Over and over again
You say it so many times
It’s become a game

You say it
Like you don’t feel it
Keep it hidden
Until it doesn’t exist

No one can see
What you can’t see for yourself
So you think you’re safe
You’re wrong

It will never leave you
It will never stop hurting
Pretend all you want
You can’t make it stop

It still haunts you
It’s always near
It makes you shiver
It makes you ill

You say it
There’s no other way
To try to erase it
To make it go away

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Glowing lights

There’s something about it
It seems perfectly normal
And yet something’s off
You can’t quite see it

There are no red roses
No pink skies
No blue moonlight
Everything is the same

So why is it so different?
Something shifted
The world is the same
It’s you who’s changed

It’s a strange feeling
Of fulfilling content
Extremely unexpected
But welcomed all the same

sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

Hear me

We speak
I try to stop myself
Yet I tell you everything
I say what I don’t want others to hear

You listen very intently
You know what I’m about to say
I wait for you to calm me
To tell me it’s ok

I know there is much to say
But I don’t speak for long
I wish you could answer
I wait for you to answer

Yet I hear nothing
Nothing but my own voice
Only the words
I mindlessly repeat

This is the way it will always be
Because there is no we
There’s only my shadow
My shadow and me

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013


I'm tired
I don't want to do this anymore
I just want it to be over
I want to let go

I have to be here
To hold their hands
To say what they can't
To help them be

I wish things were different
I wish they didn't need me
I wish I could just leave
I wish they would let me

But I can't
They have no one but me
No one to take my place
No one to set me free

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

Clearing the Rubble

I can’t play spy anymore
Why did I ever begin?
Reasons that seemed important
Don’t make sense anymore

The mask is too thick
I can’t break it
The lies begin to take over
I’ve lost all control

I can’t make out what’s real
Yet I continue to play
Until there is nothing left
Only the pit where I used to be

This can’t be fixed
It’s just a memory now
Still, I can’t help but wonder
Where do I begin?

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013


It’s cold
I feel snow falling on my bones
It makes my skin burn
Cracks begin to appear

But I don’t care
Let them come
Let them see what they did
See what’s become of their sins

My night is no longer endless
They can’t touch me
They can’t hurt me
Not anymore

It’s their time to fear
It’s their time to disappear
The cold is now under my control
It will weaken me never more

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Breathe out

You’ll be afraid
You won’t trust
You’ll think it’s not worth it
You’ll find excuses

None of that matters
You’ll always tremble
People won’t change
And dependency will always be a crutch

There’s nothing to hold onto anymore
At some point
You have to let yourself go