viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019

Monster eyes

The Loch Ness Monster with eyes so bright,
his smile shines through to my delight.
And so a corner of my mind,
wonders at such a sight,
why my friend is terrorized,
of these beings in disguise
And not instead is mystified,
as everyone is horrified
of the waters that provide,
the craving monster fantasized.

Let the beast be

Holding on tightly.
So tightly that you break.
So tightly, you think back to the days when the beast wasn't there.

That beast that's so unique.
That beast that you protect.
To keep them from consuming all that you have left.

Now that beast loose
Now that beast is here
But no one seems to whisper, all you feel is tears

Tears for that beast you so dangerously kept
Tears you only thought were dreams inside your head.

In Night

Never before did I forget to breathe.
There is a deafening silence that surrounds me.
How inconsequential it is,
To define the sound of the wind,
Whistling in the night.
This night.
Your night.

The moment is forever enveloped behind bricks in my mind.
There it shall remain,
Until I see you again.
Again in light.
Again in night.

Then this yearned healing,
Will arrive.